Monday 21 January 2008

Gloria Video - Iluziya (Illusion)

Gloria Music Video
Title: "Iluziya" (Illusion)
+tag: iluzia

Galina Peneva Ivanova (Bulgarian: Галина Пенева Иванова) (born June 28, 1973 in Ruse (Rousse), Bulgaria), better known as Gloria (Bulgarian Cyrillic: Глория), is a famous Bulgarian pop-folk singer. Arguably the most popular of her generation, she is known as the Mother of pop-folk. She has been an active performer since 1990 and her latest album (Blagodarya) was released in Bulgaria in February 2007. Her second album sold over 600,000 copies making it the biggest selling album in Bulgaria. Best hits of her are songs "Illusion", "Stronghold", Angel with devil's heart",
"Adios", "Seasons" and many more. [wikipedia]

Sibel Can Video - Yalnizlar Treni

Sibel Can Music Video
Title: "Yalnizlar Treni"

Sibel Can (born August 1, 1970) is a popular Turkish pop folk singer. In recent years she has also become popular in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Trinidad and Tobago, Armenia, Russia, Syria and Iran. Sibel Can became a dancer at the age 14 and later started her singing career. She has been known as one of the most successful and powerful singers in Turkey. Sibel's peak at success came with song called, "Padişah" (Ruler) which was released in 1997. [wikipedia]

Kayahan Video - Bir Ask Hikayesi

Kayahan Music Video
Title: "Bir Ask Hikayesi"

Kayahan (March 29, 1949) (full name Kayahan Açar) is a Turkish pop singer and composer, one of the consistently best-selling musicians in Turkey. He writes all of his own material and has released more than eight best-selling albums during a career spanning 30 years.

Lambe Alabakovski feat Darko Dimitrov Video - Vrati mi go srceto

Lambe Alabakovski feat Darko Dimitrov Music Video
Title: "Vrati mi go srceto"
Blue Tang Production
by Cedo Popovski

Lambe Alabakovski Video - Kade Pesno Moja

Lambe Alabakovski Music Video
Title: "Kade Pesno Moja"

Lambe Alabakoski (in Macedonian: Ламбе Алабакоски, born November 15, 1987 in Ljubojno, FYROM of Macedonia) is a Macedonian singer. Lambe competed at Skopje Fest 2007, the Macedonian Eurovision Song Selection. He performed the song "Belo e Se" which was written by Elena Risteska and composed by Robert Bilbilov. The song gained 101 points, placing Lambe in third position for a consecutive year.

Битолчанецот Ламбе Алабакоски е скорпија во хороскоп, има 17 години и е роден на 15. ноември 1987 година. До финалето на М2 стаса со изведбите на песните на Гарет Гејтс и на Вајтснејк, а, како и сите останати финалисти, и тој очекува да биде промовиран како нова ѕвезда на оваа успешна продукција. Како и неколку останати кандидати, и Ламбе досега учествувал во потрагите на М2, потенцирајќи дека ова е неговата трета среќа. Неговиот сограѓанин Димитар Андоновски му е несомнено еден од М2 идолите, а од девојките тоа се Елена и Александра. Приватно, Ламбе е ученик во средното музичко училиште во Битола (III година), а со музика планира да се бави и понатаму, запишувајќи се на музичка академија. Меѓу активностите со кои сака да се бави во слободноте време се и фудбалот и кошарката. Музичките правци кои му се омилени се R&B и класиката, а од омилените композитори го издвојува Верди. Во рамките на класиката многу ги сака и оперите, а меѓу нив ги издвојува Аида и Кармен . Ламбе ја сака прозата на Куељо, а меѓу најдрагите филмови му е Гладијатор со Расел Кроу. []

Kaya Video - Nemoj da me zoves ljubavi

Kaya Music Video
Title: "Nemoj da me zoves ljubavi"

Sladjana Ivanisevic Video - 5 Minuta

Sladjana Ivanisevic Music Video
Title: "5 Minuta"
by Beoton

Rođena 06.09.1981 u Sarajevu. Završila je nižu muzičku školu na odseku za klavir i srednju na odseku za solo pevanje u Novom Sadu. Diplomirala je na Beogradskoj sportskoj akademiji za trenera fitnesa i na BK fakultetu za sportski menadzment. Trenutno je na magistarskim studijama menadžmenta. 17 godina je vrhunski takmičar i reprezentativac u sportskom plesu, u latino-američkim, standardnim plesovima i show dance-u, tako da poseduje preko stotinu nagrada sa domaćih i međunarodnih takmičenja. Muzičku karijeru započela je još kao dete u dečijim muzičkim emisijama i festivalima, kao što su: "Deca pevaju hitove", "Zlatno zvonce", "Fore i fazoni", "Muzički tobogan" i druge. Snimala je pesme za potrebe dečije redakcije RTS-a. Zajedno sa plesačima iz njenog plesnog kluba Vojvodina dance pripremala mnogobrojne scenske nastupe za koncertne turneje, spotove i festivale za svoje kolege među kojima su Goca Tržan, Saša Matić, Aleksandra Radović, Hari mata Hari, Svetlana Ražnatović, Magazin, Dado Topić, Alka Vujica, Aleksandra Perović, Karola (predstavnica Švedske na Eurosongu) i mnoge druge.

Nastupala je uspešno na mnogim festivalima: SUNFLOWER 2004 finale; BUDVANSKI FESTIVAL 2005 finale; SUNFLOWER 2005 spec. Nagrada festivala - da predstavlja zemlju na festivalu Discovery u Bugarskoj; RADIJSKI FESTIVAL 2005 finale; BEOVIZIJA 2006; FESTIVAL VRNJAČKA BANJA 2006 nagrada za hit leta. []

Jelena Rozga Video - Gospe Moja

Jelena Rozga Music Video
Title: "Gospe Moja"

Jelena Rozga was born in Split. At the age of six she decided to become a ballet dancer and so, after finishing primary school, she went to Zagreb to start her education in a ballet school. She quickly became known as the best dancer of her generation, performing on stage alongside any more experienced dancers. Her fame spread and soon she was receiving invitations to dance in festivals as far a field as Osaka and to study ballet at the Scala Academy in Milan. As the first student in the former Yugoslavia to get a scholarship for a ballet school, great things were expected of Jelena. However, Jelena's heart lay elsewhere in a dream to sing with the most popular pop band in the country-Magazin. After sending her picture and a demo,she was soon recruited by the other band members and just 18 years old Jelena started her new career as a lead singer in Magazin. In 1996, she recorded her first album to widespread acclaim. Her growing army of fans and a string of hits and albums made her one of the most beloved and popular singers in the former Yugoslavia. Plaudits, festivals and many awards followed and with hit after hit Magazin was regularly awarded "The band of the Year", "The best performance of the Year" and "The song of the year". Jelena's live performances took her across Europe, from the countries of the former Yugoslavia, to Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary. Shows in the USA and Canada allowed her to show her talent and charisma to the people of North America. In 2006, Jelena struck out in a new direction deciding to go it alone and begin a solo career... []